There are times when parents need to change the dismissal procedures for their children. A phone call to the office (before 1:00 PM) or a note must be sent indicating such changes.
Student Handbook
Our student handbook is a reference tool for students and families that explains many important expectations, policies, and procedures of our school.
For the purpose of this handbook the word attendance is defined as attending school in person and/or participating in remote instruction daily.
Upon entering school grounds students are to dismount their mode of transportation and walk it to the appropriate location. Use of mini bikes, go carts, snowmobiles, or any form of motorized vehicle is not allowed on the school grounds at any time.
Illinois State Law requires that kindergarten students or children enrolling from another school district must furnish a certified copy of his/her birth certificate.
Birthdays can be celebrated at school with the child bringing something to share with the entire class. To comply with the current health requirements of the IDPH, students cannot bring birthday treats at this time.
Bullying is the severe, repetitive, and/or intentional infliction of physical, social, intellectual, and/or emotional suffering on another person or group of persons.
In order to maintain a quiet and orderly learning environment, students are not allowed to use or have turned on any electronic signaling and cellular telecommunication devices during school hours, unless authorized by a staff member.
If there is a change in your address, telephone number, place of employment, physician or emergency contact person, please notify the office at once.
Employees are required to report any suspected child abuse victims to the proper authorities. In addition, throughout the elementary school curriculum, children receive instruction to help them understand potential physical abuse, sexual abuse or child abduction (Erin’s Law).
Please feel free to schedule a virtual conference at any time. Simply contact the school secretary or classroom teacher to arrange a convenient time. The scheduled conference day this year is listed on the school calendar.
During this time we ask that you refrain from entering the building during the instructional day.
Open communication between home and school is essential for effective education of the children. We encourage parents to contact school personnel anytime there is a question, concern, comment or compliment.
Sycamore CUSD #427 has a district-wide crisis plan that offers consistent, comprehensive procedures to all types of emergencies.
Students in Sycamore CUSD #427 are offered a sequential and comprehensive curriculum. Curriculum in the district is developed through an established process of continued review and renewal.
We ask each parent to cooperate in expecting their child to dress in such a manner that will enhance students to develop a good self-image and awareness of good grooming.
Every year, parents are asked to complete the registration for, which includes the telephone numbers where they can be reached both at home and work.
The Sycamore School District does have a family living curriculum, which in the elementary schools means the fourth and fifth graders will view presentations on “growing up.” Fourth grade girls view a film, with their mothers, on menstruation. Fifth grade boys and girls see presentations on the growing up process. The school nurse and the classroom teachers coordinate the discussions. Parents are notified prior to the presentations being shown.
The Sycamore C.U.S.D. #427 will waive all fees assessed by the district on children whose parents are unable to afford them, including but not limited to children eligible for free lunch or breakfast under the “Community School Lunch Program.” For extenuating circumstances such as very significant loss of income due to severe illness or injury in the family, unusual expenses as fire, flood, or storm damage, or similar emergency situations that the district determines to include in this policy.
For the 20/21 School year all field trips will be put on pause.
The purpose of the homework assignments is to reinforce learning, stimulate initiative, independence, responsibility, and enrich school experiences through related home and community activities.
Children with any type of disability receive their education in regular education classrooms along with peers their own age. Special education supports are provided within the context of the general education class and in other (integrated) environments in the school building. While in the building, you may see various educational and/or behavioral programs taking place. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the principal.
In the past there has been an increase in the number of items students bring to school that distract rather than aid in their schoolwork. Any items that are a distraction/disruption to the school day will be collected. These items will be returned to the student or picked up by parent/guardian. If you wish to bring a pet to school for show and tell please check with your child’s teacher prior to bringing an animal to school. Cell phones are permitted if left in the student’s locker and it must be turned off during the school day. The Sycamore School District is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Sycamore C.U.S.D. #427 has full and half-day kindergarten programs. More specific information about the programs can be obtained through the principal’s office. Kindergarten conferences will be held on the first student attendance day.
Clothes found on school property are placed in the lost and found. Please check this location for any missing articles. Near the end of the school year, remaining articles will be donated.
Students are responsible for any library books, text, and instructional materials they have received. If a book or instructional material is lost, the student must pay the replacement cost and the processing fee of $1.00. The replacement cost is figured by looking in Books in Print or other such resources.
For the 2020-2021 school year, all students have access to free breakfast and free lunch. Under the current extension given to schools by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), all children under the age of 18 who reside within the District’s boundaries are eligible for free meals through the end of the school year. The way that students receive these meals will depend on the model of learning they have selected and their grade level. Any family who would like to access the free meal program should contact the district office to sign up.
Make-up work will be available after the second day of absence. This allows the teacher ample time to compile all work missed. Inform the teacher or office by 9:00 AM if you request to have make-up work.
If your child receives special education services and is also Medicaid eligible, District 427 can seek partial reimbursement from Medicaid for health services documented in your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Medicaid reimbursement is a source of federal funds approved by Congress to help school districts maintain and improve diagnostic and therapeutic services for students.
Administration of medication to students is the responsibility of the parents and should be given at home whenever possible. Only in cases where failure to take prescribed medication could jeopardize the child’s health and/or education should medication be given at school.
The purpose of the PTO from Article II or its by-laws is to promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, and community.
Parents are entitled to inspect all instructional materials used in connection with any survey, analysis or evaluation. No student will be required to submit to any survey, analysis, or evaluation, which reveals the kind of information specified in 20 U.S.C. S1232h without prior written consent of parents (or consent of student if age 18 or emancipated). Copies of the law, which are referenced, are available in the district office for inspection during regular business hours.
Students are required to participate in and dress appropriately for physical education class. All students need a pair of gym shoes to be left at school. Students will be expected to take part in a physical education class unless a doctor’s excuse is on file.
Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RtI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning.
In rare instances the staff may feel that it is in the child’s best interest to have him/her repeat a grade. Retention is only recommended if the child will benefit from it, and is never to be used as a punitive measure. Parents and/or guardians will be kept informed about the academic progress of their child and notified in person as early as possible, prior to the end of the year, if retention is being considered. Parent input is always considered in the decision making process; however, the school has the ultimate authority to make the decision.
Sycamore School District takes the safety and security of our students and staff very seriously. The district has a safety and security team who works to ensure that the District is prepared and well-equipped to handle emergencies.
By state law; kindergartners or children enrolling from another school district must furnish a certified copy of his/her birth certificate. If a student is enrolling from out of state a physical examination will also be required.
As part of our ongoing partnership with the Sycamore Police Department, a School Resource Officer (SRO) will be made available for use by all schools in District #427. School administration empowers the SRO, as a staff member, to enforce all school and district rules.
In order to improve security at the elementary schools the following procedures will be implemented: All outside doors are kept locked during the school day.
The Sycamore Board of Education policy regarding sex equity is as follows:The District shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, marital status, parental status, or pregnancy, in programs or activities supported by school funds or using District facilities.
Information on registered sex offenders is available on the State of Illinois web site at This information is being provided in accordance with the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act-to Parents (Public Act 94-0994).
The Sycamore School District has available a commemorative fund in the name of Essie B. Smith. This fund has provided families with clothing, grocery certificates, and shoes during the holiday season. It is also available as a financial resource for emergencies throughout the school year. If you are in need of assistance, or know someone who is, please contact the school nurse.
The Sycamore Board of Education Policy prohibits smoking in all school district buildings and on all school district properties. The use of electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco is also prohibited on school grounds.
Sycamore CUSD 427 Schools are served by various support personnel available to work with your child should the need arise. Many special education teachers are employed, as well as speech clinicians, a psychologist, and social worker. Sycamore School District also runs English Learners Language (ELL) program for students of limited English. A number of special programs are also available; i.e. Reading Improvement, music, art, physical education, and a continuum of special education classes. For more information on these services, contact the principal.
The Board of Education has the responsibility for providing a safe environment for all of its students, as well as an atmosphere that is free from disruptive influence and is conducive to learning. To accomplish this, reasonable rules and regulations are established and enforced.
The following list defines the parameters for student behavior: The students will walk quietly through the halls.
Part of the goal of education is to nurture self-pride, develop independence, and build responsible citizens for our future community. In an attempt to attain this goal, students must be encouraged to act in a responsible manner and accept the logical consequences for their behavior
Progress reports (report cards) are issued after each twelve-week period. Formal parent/teacher conferences are scheduled once a year, after the first trimester. However, parents are encouraged to contact the teacher at any time to discuss their child’s problems, health, academic progress, interpretation of test scores, etc.
Procedures for parent request for completion of diagnostic rating scales: Parent contacts the school (including via teacher/staff/admin email, phone, in person, etc) requesting a rating scale to be completed.
This notice contains a description of your and your student’s rights concerning school student records. A school student record is any writing or other recorded information concerning a student and by which a student may be identified individually that is maintained by a school or at its direction or by a school employee, regardless of how or where the information is stored, except for certain records kept in a staff member’s sole possession; records maintained by law enforcement officers working in the school; video and other electronic recordings that are created in part for law enforcement, security, or safety reasons or purposes; and electronic recordings made on school buses. The District maintains two types of school records for each student: permanent record and temporary record.
Classroom supply lists are on the school website.
School bus riders, while in transit, are under the jurisdiction of the school bus driver. It is recommended that all riders, parents of riders, and teachers become thoroughly familiar with the following regulations governing school bus riders.
Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, our staff will be providing various web-based learning opportunities to our students. These web-based opportunities will be provided through virtual platforms such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, Seesaw, Canvas, Google Classroom, and may include individual or group instructional and/or related service sessions via videoconferencing, live streaming and/or recorded lessons, classes, and sessions
For the 2020-2021 school year, no volunteers or visitors will be allowed inside the elementary school buildings.
The District and each Elementary School's website contains information on staff, programs, curriculum, and the school. Minutes from the PTO, building communication, calendar of events and activities, staff email addresses, etc. can be found on the website.
The Board of Education of Sycamore Community School District #427 is committed to providing a learning environment that supports and promotes wellness, good nutrition, and an active lifestyle and recognizes the positive relationship between good nutrition, physical activity and the capacity of students to develop and learn.
During winter months, students will go outside for recess, weather permitting. When the temperature is 0 degrees or below wind chill, recess will then be indoors.